ORDER by Óscar Monzón
The Country of the Rising Sun by Shinji Otani
SCAPES by John Divola
One step before ending by Rei
The Castle by Federico Clavarino
(With Print) Memories of an Unknown Island by Véronique Rolland
54°0′13.176″N 2°32′52.278″W by Véronique Rolland
(Signed) Venice by Giacomo Brunelli
(Signed) Location Scouting by Local Artist
(Special Edition with Print B) Venice by Giacomo Brunelli
Venice Unclocked by Rachel Spence & Giacomo Cosua
(Signed) rock-paper-roots by Géraldine Jeanjean
Matter by Aleix Plademunt
(First Edition) Shōji Ueda
Landscapes for the Homeless by Anthony Hernandez
Initium Maris by Nicolas Floc’h
(Mint) Documentary by 中平卓馬
サン・ルゥへの手紙 by 森山大道
仲治への旅 by 森山大道
森山大道写真集成 (2):狩人
来たるべき言葉のために by 中平卓馬
やもり by 中平卓馬
Edited Photographs by Nigel Shafran
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
Omne. Osservatorio Mobile Nord Est. Work. 2016-2018
Spomenik by Jan Kempenaers
Zweimal Belichtet by Aglaia Konrad
Migrations, Givors by Alexandre Guirkinger
The Invisible Journey by Julien Berthier
Migrations, Cherbourg by Alexandre Guirkinger
(ケース付き) 来たるべき言葉のために by 中平卓馬
光と影 by 森山大道
新たなる凝視 by 中平卓馬
Adieu A X by 中平卓馬
Hysteric Six by 中平卓馬
中平卓馬: 原点復帰 — 横浜
(新装版) Adieu A X by 中平卓馬
(新装版) 来たるべき言葉のために by 中平卓馬
沖縄 by 中平卓馬
森山大道写真集成 (4):光と影
The Cliff by Yukihito Kono
Café Bissau by Julião Sarmento
444/Celestial Means of Locomotion by Luca Reffo
(Imperfect) The Nest by Lynn Alleva Lilley
HIBERNATION by Sander van Wettum
Södrakull Frösakull by Mikael Olsson
Missing Buildings by Thom and Beth Atkinson