Workbooks by Nigel Shafran
Reality Check: Recent Developments in British Photography and Video
Then things went quiet
Portraits from an Island
Voices of Animals and Men by The Young Knives
Family: Photographers Photograph Their Families
Surface: Contemporary Photographic Practice
Imperfect Beauty
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
The Photographer's Playbook: 307 Assignments and Ideas
Smile I-D: Fashion and Style: The Best from 20 Years of I-D
fig-1 – 50 Projects in 50 Weeks
Photography Today: A History of Contemporary Photography
Omne. Osservatorio Mobile Nord Est. Work. 2016-2018
Not in Fashion: Photography and Fashion in the 90s
Look at Me: Fashion and Photography in Britain 1960-1997
Marfa Journal Issue 16
(Poster) Packages 2012-2013 by Nigel Shafran
(Signed) Compost Pictures 2008 – 2009 by Nigel Shafran
The Well by Nigel Shafran
(Signed) The People On The Street by Nigel Shafran
Dark Rooms by Nigel Shafran
(Signed) Visitor Figures by Nigel Shafran
(Signed) Teenage Precinct Shoppers
Ruth on the phone by Nigel Shafran
Flowers for ______ by Nigel Shafran
Edited Photographs by Nigel Shafran
Dad’s Office by Nigel Shafran
Ruthbook by Nigel Shafran