(Signed) Trilogy Zines by Ekaterina Bazhenova-Yamasaki

(Signed) Trilogy Zines by Ekaterina Bazhenova-Yamasaki

Self Published

LA在住のアーティスト、エカテリーナ・バジェノバ=ヤマサキ(Ekaterina Bazhenova - Yamasaki)が、2018年から2019年にかけて自費出版したフォト・ジン。



Vol.1: Room #207
Self published, 2018
Softcover, 210 x 149 mm
40 pages
Perfect binding
Limited edition of 70 copies, signed and numbered

Vol.2: Memory turned into flesh
Self published, 2018
Softcover, 210 x 149 mm
44 pages
Perfect binding
Limited edition of 100 copies, signed and numbered

Vol.3: Water Sex Salvation
Self published, 2019
Softcover, 210 x 149 mm
44 pages
Limited edition of 100 copies, signed

¥4,700 + tax (This is the price for set of three zines)


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