(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova

(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova

Self Published

ウィーン在住の写真家、ユージニア・マクシモヴァ(Eugenia Maximova)の写真集。


「キッチンとは多目的な部屋であり、その空間は居住者のアイデンティティと自己認識をありのままに反映する。そしてそれはバルカン半島の住宅の精神を体現し、社会全体をも映し出している。バルカン半島の人々はインテリアなどの装飾よりも、どちらかといえばむしろそのなけなしのお金をカフェで使う。この結果もたらされる機能的で飾り気のないキッチンのスタイルは、この地域の失われたアイデンティティや、オスマン帝国支配下の500年と鉄のカーテン*に覆い隠された半世紀から生じる必然的な遺産の、実体的な感覚を我々に伝えている。」ー Eugenia Maximova



Title: Kitchen Stories from the Balkans
Artist: Eugenia Maximova
Self Published, 2014
Hardcover, 210 x 270 mm
84 Pages
Limited edition of 500 copies, signed
ISNB: 978-3200034365


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