Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape
Remembering Landscape

Remembering Landscape

Snoeck Publishing Company

2018年から2019年にかけてドイツのジーゲン現代美術館、ルーマニア国立現代美術館、ブリュッセルのサンルカスギャラリーとデ・マルテンを巡回した企画展、「Remembering Landscape」の開催に合わせて出版された展示カタログ。


Anca Benera und Arnold Estefán/Nico Bleutge/Bogdan Bordeianu/Lucian Bran/Helwig Brunner/Marianna Christofides/Luc Delahaye/Chloe Dewe Mathews/Lukas Einsele/Daniel Falb/Cyprien Gaillard/Dani Gherca/Anne Heinlein und Göran Gnaudschun/Nico Ilfoveanu/Markus Karstieß/Thomas Kellner/Jan Kempenaers/Anselm Kiefer/Aglaia Konrad/Susanne Kriemann/Armin Linke in collaboration with Aristide Antonas and Estelle Blaschke/Richard Mosse/Andreas Mühe/multiplicity/Cyprian Muresan/Paul Nash/Alexandra Navratil/Cristian Rusu/Larisa Sitar/Milica Tomic & Sans Souci Collective/Unknown Fields/Danny Veys/Paul Virilio/Kristof Vrancken

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Remembering Landscape


Title: Remembering Landscape
Artist: Various
Editor: Eva Schmidt and Kai Vöckler
Snoeck Publishing Company, 2019
Hardcover, case binding
270 x 210 x 41 mm
352 pages
Text in German and English
First edition
ISBN: 9783864422607
¥7,000 + tax


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