Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders
Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders

Composition With Yellow Verticals by Mark Manders

Roma Publications


本書は、オランダ南東端部に位置するマーストリヒトのボンネファンテン美術館で開催されたマンダースの回顧展、「The Absence of Mark Manders」に合わせて出版された。展覧会は初期の作品から最新作へと、彼の独特な作品が有機的に発展していく様子が目に見えてわかるような構成となった。読者はアトリエでの制作風景やメモ書きなどを通して、作家の貴重な制作の舞台裏を垣間見る

Roma Publicationsの379冊目にあたる出版物。


Title: Composition With Yellow Verticals
Artist: Mark Manders
Roma Publications, 2020
170 x 115 mm
120 pages
Text in English
First edition
ISBN: 9789492811714
¥6,600 -


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