How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present

How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present

Tate Publishing

2007年5月22日から9月2日にかけて、イギリスのロンドンに位置する美術館「テート・ブリテン(Tate Britain)」で開催された展覧会「HOW WE ARE: PHOTOGRAPHING BRITAIN」の展示カタログ。


ウィリアム・ヘンリー・フォックス・タルボット(William Henry Fox Talbot)、ルイス・キャロル(Lewis Carroll )、ジュリア・マーガレット・キャメロン(Julia Margaret Cameron)、ビル・ブラント(Bill Brandt)、マダム・イエボンデ(Madame Yevonde)、スーザン・リッパー(Susan Lipper)、デビッド・ベイリー(David Bailey)、トム・ハンター(Tom Hunter)などの有名どころだけでなく、ポストカードや家族アルバム、医療写真、プロパガンダ、社会文書なども展示された。また、イギリスの写真史では軽視されがちな女性写真家たちや異なる文化的背景を持つ写真家の作品も含まれており、1.5世紀にわたるイメージ制作の驚くべき多様性と振れ幅、そしてその特異性を提示している。また当展はテート・ブリテンが初めて、一般客を展示に直接的に介入させた展覧会であり、写真共有サイト「Flickr」を通じて、展覧会に自分の写真を追加するよう呼びかけた。



Title: How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
Artist: Various
Tate Publishing, 2007
Softcover, perfect binding
255 x 210 x 20 mm
240 pages
Text in English
First edition
ISBN: 9781854377142


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