Eldorado by Ruth Van Beek
EMPTY by Raul Valverde
Entre Entree by Stephan Keppel
Equivalences by Douglas Mandry
Erwin Wurm Photographs
Etan & Me by Viviane Sassen
Everything else is a lie by Hanna Putz
Evidence by Larry Sultan & Mike Mandel
Ex Nihilo by Daniel Shea & OK-RM
Exposure by Kazuma Obara
Extreme Tourism by Thomas Mailaender
FABRICA by Sabrina Vitali
Fantastic Architecture
Ferox / The Forgotten Archives by Nicolas Polli
Fifty Nine Positions by Erwin Wurm
fig-1 – 50 Projects in 50 Weeks
Firework Studies by Pierre Le Hors
Fugue no.1 Rear side by Jinsol Kim, Sujin Lee, Junki Jung, Seulgi Choi
Grandissima Selezione by Fontanesi
Happiness Is The Only True Emotion by Clément Lambelet
House of Clay by Erik Gustafsson
Iconocity by Aglaia Konrad
Immer Zimmer by Stephan Keppel
In Other Words by Nicolas Floc'h
In the Shadow of Forward Motion by David Wojnarowicz
Incoming by Richard Mosse
Ironing Photographs by Yukihito Kono
Jaap Scheeren Cut Shaving, The Xerox Edition by Jaap Scheeren
KARMA by Óscar Monzón
Kharkivsʹka shkola fotohrafiyi: hra proty aparatu
Known and Strange Things Pass by Andy Sewell
Laptop on the Pavement by Mark Manders, Roger Willems and Marije Langelaar
Le Luxe by Roe Ethridge
Le Soigneur de Gravité
Les Belles Images by Thomas Mailaender
Les Infamies Photographiques De Sigmer Polke
Licht Luft Scheiße – Perspektiven auf Ökologie und Moderne
Liturgy by Flora Yin-Wong
Loops by Anders Edström
Lunario, 1968-1999 by Guido Guidi
Mixing Dogs by Hyunjin Park & Eunbyel Lee
NEAR by Martine Stig
Newspaper with Fives by Mark Manders and Roger Willems
No More No Less by Thomas Sauvin & Kensuke Koike
Notes on Fundamental Joy by Carmen Winant