(First Edition) Bernd and Hilla Becher: Blast Furnaces
(First Edition) Girls Blue by Hiromix
(Imperfect) China Dream by Teresa Eng
(Signed) COEXISTENCE In by Stephen Gill
(Signed) Hattfabriken/Luckenwalde by Gerry Johansson
(Signed) On The Acropolis by Tod Papageorge
(Signed) Outside In by Stephen Gill
(Signed) TORANSUPEARENTO by Daisuke Yokota
(Signed) Torshovtoppen by Marte Aas
(Signed) Venice by Giacomo Brunelli
(Special Edition with Print B) Venice by Giacomo Brunelli
(Steidl Edition) Another Water by Roni horn
(ケース付き) 来たるべき言葉のために by 中平卓馬
(全号セット) 写真装置 #1-12
(新装版) 来たるべき言葉のために by 中平卓馬
Acoco by Simon Haenni
Album by Hideya Ishima
Am Boden / By the Ground + Die Dammerung / At Dusk by Boris Mikhailov
Another & Another & Another Act of Seeing (Urban Space)
Archive by Bertien van Manen
Boris Mikhailov: From "blaue horse" till now days 1965-2022
Café Bissau by Julião Sarmento
Desert Cities by Aglaia Konrad
Edited Photographs by Nigel Shafran
Entre Entree by Stephan Keppel
Everything is a museum
Eyes on the City : Urbane Räume in der Gegenwartsfotografie
Fotnoter by Jon Benjamin Tallerås
Future Estate by Matthew Harvey
Gluckauf by Bertien van Manen
GRAFFITI by Antonio M. Xoubanova
HIBERNATION by Sander van Wettum
Horror Vacui: Fotografie En de Lege Stad, Photography and the Deserted City
House of Clay by Erik Gustafsson
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
I Will Be Wolf by Bertien van Manen
Immer Zimmer by Stephan Keppel
Japan Works by Aglaia Konrad
Kharkivsʹka shkola fotohrafiyi: hra proty aparatu
Landscapes for the Homeless by Anthony Hernandez
Les Belles Images by Thomas Mailaender
Let's Sit Down Before We Go by Bertien van Manen
Matter by Aleix Plademunt
Migrations, Cherbourg by Alexandre Guirkinger
Migrations, Givors by Alexandre Guirkinger
Missing Buildings by Thom and Beth Atkinson
Mittelland by Michael Blaser
NON by Paulien Oltheten