The Well by Nigel Shafran
Bleu Melody by Tony Frank
Thames Log by Chloe Dewe Mathews
Devil’s Promenade by Antone Dolezal + Lara Shipley
HASSAN HAJJAJ by Hassan Hajjaj
Lviv - God's Will by Viacheslav Poliakov
The Earth Is Only A Little Dust Under Our Feet by Bego Antón
The Saxons of Transylvania by Pascual Martínez + Vincent Sáez
Read Naked by Erik Kessels
CONTROL by Çağdaş Erdoğan
Doors by Yusuke Yamatani
Provoke: Complete Reprint of 3 Volumes
(Signed) A Mistake Is A Beautiful Thing by Devin Troy Strother and Yuri Ogita
Grandissima Selezione by Fontanesi
Inventions 1915-1938 by Luce Lebart
Bis Morgen Im Nassen by Lotte Reimann
Die Trauben auf deinem Bauch bilden ein Muster by Olaf Habelmann
BYZANTINE by Synchrodogs
The Cemetery of Reason by Ed Templeton
Empty White Room by Yurie Nagashima
VOSTOK First Issue
Kids by Larry Clark, Harmony Korine
0334475540 ZINE_2 Annual Visual Collection
Music for my Eyes by Grace Ahlbom
Notes on Fundamental Joy by Carmen Winant
Your Blues by Michael Schmelling
Everything Passes by Isabel Garcés & Ramón Reverté
Why Can't We Be Friends by Grace Ahlbom
A Mycological Foray by John Cage
Extreme Tourism by Thomas Mailaender
(Mint) May The Circle Remain Unbroken by Corrine Day
Busy Living by Coco Capitán
(First edition) Smiler by Mark Cawson & Neal Brown
The Grand Tour by Kasia Klimpel
#selfies by Harry Woodrow
PAPARAZZI by Mazaccio & Drowilal
Portraits by Wolfgang Tillmans
The Palace Book by Alasdair McLellan
MacGuffin Issue Nº 11 – The Chain
Not in Fashion by Mark Borthwick
Imponderable: The Archives of Tony Oursler
Look at Me: Fashion and Photography in Britain 1960-1997
Imperfect Beauty