Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch

Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch


The second issue of "Curtain", an independent magazine based in Tokyo.

This issue features the theater company chelfitsch. Photographer Hiroshi Hosokawa shoots rehearsals for the premiere of "Ground and Floor" released in 2013. Ground and Floor, which sharply captures post-earthquake social issues, is a musical drama style that refers to classical Noh plays. It was co-produced with the band Sangatsu. It toured around the world, including , and was performed in Sapporo and Sendai in March 2015.

Unlike the challenging structure adopted in the first issue, this issue is more documentary. However, just like the title "curtain", the boundary between the stage and the backstage is not clearly distinguished or fixed, and does this ambiguity also suggest "acting / theater" in society and everyday life? It seems

First edition of 500 copies.


Title: Curtain Issue 2
Artist: chelfitsch
Photography: Hiroshi Hosokawa
Curtain, 2015
Softcover saddle stitched with folded poster cover
181 x 245 x 3 mm
68 pages
First edition of 500 copies
¥1,500 + tax


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