(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979

(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979

Primary Information

This is an epic collection of works written by women artists in the early days of the revolutionary movement of concrete poetry. Designer Alex Balgiu and poet Ménicade la Torre have curated 50 artists from Europe, Japan, Latin America and America.

“?Women in Concrete Poetry:1959-1979” is a visual work by women, which was planned by Italian feminist artist Mirella Bentivoglio for the Venice Biennale in 1978. It was triggered by the epoch-making exhibition "Materializzazione del linguaggio" of concrete poetry. ?Through this exhibition and other works, Bentivoglio traces the trajectory of a female artist working at the intersection of language and vision. They freed language from the constraints of genre and gender conventions, patriarchy and normative syntax, and sought to "reinvigorate an atrophied means of communication."

The works included in this book are specific poetic expressions defined in the Basic Manifesto by ?yvind Fahlstr?m, Eugen Gomringer, and the Brazilian Neugundres school. It has evolved from Some works are readily recognizable as concrete poetry, as documented in the canonical writings compiled by Mary Ellen Solt and Emmett Williams in the late 60s. However, it also has distinctly feminist elements and is characterized by an often illegible expansive serial work.

First edition 3500 copies.

Lenora de Barros, Ana Bella Geiger, and Mira Schendel from Brazil; Mirella Bentivoglio, Tomaso Binga, Liliana Landi, Anna Oberto, and Giovanna Sandri from Italy; Amanda Berenguer from Uruguay; Suzanne Bernard and Ilse Garnier from France; Blanca Calparsoro from Spain; Paula Claire and Jennifer Pike from the UK; Betty Danon from Turkey; Mirtha Dermisache from Argentina; , Mary Ellen Solt, Susan Howe, Liliane Lijn, and Rosmarie Waldrop from the US; Irma Blank and Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt from Germany; Chima Sunada from Japan; and Katalin Ladik and Bogdanka Poznanovi?


Title: Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
Artist: Various
Editor: Alex Balgiu / M?nica de la Torre
Primary Information, 2020
Softcover, 203 x 228 mm
480 pages
First edition of 3500 copies
ISBN: 9781734489729?
¥4,100 + tax


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