(First Edition, First Printing) ROXANE II by Viviane Sassen
(Imperfect) Cover to Cover by Michael Snow
(LP) Action-Interview at WBAI Radio Station - N.Y. by The Guerrilla Art Action Group
(Signed) Early Times by Vasantha Yogananthan
(Signed) La Visite Guidee by Sophie Calle
(Signed) On the Subject of Body and Space by Marte Aas
(Signed) rock-paper-roots by Géraldine Jeanjean
(Signed) Self-Portraits by Yurie Nagashima
(Signed) Touch Tours by Ellen Henriette Suhrke
Angle 11 by Vibeke Tandberg
Angle 15 by Kerstin Flake
Angle 19 by Mouna Karray
Boris Mikhailov: From "blaue horse" till now days 1965-2022
Broken Music
Curtain Issue 1: Fumiyo Ikeda
Curtain Issue 2: chelfitsch
Doors by Yusuke Yamatani
Drinking From The Eye by Honey Long and Prue Stent
Erwin Wurm Photographs
Fifty Nine Positions by Erwin Wurm
I Am Not I by Boris Mikhailov
Jaap Scheeren Cut Shaving, The Xerox Edition by Jaap Scheeren
Mutter Architektur by Florian Glaubitz
On Gestures Of Doing Nothing by Sander Breure & Witte Van Hulzen
PLAY by Philippe Jarrigeon
SCAPES by John Divola
SOUKHOS by Raphaël Barontini
The Design Plot by Shelley Lasica
Theatre by Dan Graham
Waiting For The Sibyl by William Kentridge
Womens Work
Yvonne Rainer: Work 1961-73
Man and Woman (Reprint Edition) by Eikoh Hosoe
サーキュレーション ─ 日付、場所、行為 by 中平卓馬
パフォーマンス―未来派から現代まで by RoseLee Goldberg