(Artist Edition in Linen Bag) 6 by Véronique Rolland
(Imperfect) REALLIFE Magazine: Selected Writings and Projects 1979-1994
(Mint) Elasticity by Aglaia Konrad
(Signed) Empty Nests by Atsuko Murano Abalos
(Signed) Last Trip to Venice by Seiichi Furuya
(Signed) Lullaby for a Bride by Julia Borissova
(Signed) Sttatsgrenze 1981-1983 by Seiichi Furuya
(Signed) The People On The Street by Nigel Shafran
(Signed) Visitor Figures by Nigel Shafran
(With Print) Memories of an Unknown Island by Véronique Rolland
54°0′13.176″N 2°32′52.278″W by Véronique Rolland
Accattone 07
Aglaia Konrad: From A to K by Aglaia Konrad
Alchemist Tarot Book
Alchemist Tarot Deck
Angle 17 by Aglaia Konrad
Art-Rite by Edit DeAk and Walter Robinson
Bent & Broken Shafts of Light by Lawrence Weiner
Broken Music
Camera Austria: Laboratory for Photography and Theory
Carrara by Aglaia Konrad
Dark Rooms by Nigel Shafran
Dimitry Zine
Face To Face by Seiichi Furuya & Christine Gössler
Fantastic Architecture
First Trip to Bologna 1978 / Last Trip to Venice 1985 by Seiichi Furuya
G1710 by GAFPA, Maarten Van Den Driessche, Aglaia Konrad, Bert Huyghe, PRIMARY STRUCTURE
He Had a Hat
Iconocity by Aglaia Konrad
Japan Works by Aglaia Konrad
Let Me Fall Again by Julia Borissova
Mémoires 1995 by Seiichi Furuya
Paare / Pairs by Jochen Lempert
Ruth on the phone by Nigel Shafran
Schaubuch: Skulptur (Looking At Sculpture) by Aglaia Konrad
The Museum of Mistakes by Pierre Leguillon
The Photographic I: Other Pictures
The Photographic II: Signal Or Noise
The Well by Nigel Shafran
Why Dresden - Photographs 1984/85 & 2015 by Seiichi Furuya
Wiel Arets
Noticeboards of Japan by Olivier Mignon & Nik van der Giesen