Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt

Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt

Primary Information

A collection of works by American artist Sol LeWitt.

This book is a reprint of one of LeWitt's masterpieces, Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Color, published in 1977. This publication is positioned as an example of Lewitt's rigorously process-driven practice of utilizing simple conceptual variables to generate complex and formally diverse visual works. This work is a compilation of two previous publications, "Four Basic Kinds of Straight Lines" (1969) and "Four Basic Colors and Their Combinations" (1971). , a black-and-white drawing that performs four types of lines (vertical, horizontal, right-diagonal, left-diagonal) in all possible combinations, and a combination system of four colors (yellow, black, red, blue) on the right page drawings are included.

It is well known that LeWitt, one of the founders of American conceptualism and one of its early theorists, emphasized ideas and logical formulations of works rather than physical art objects. It is a fact. One might suspect that such mechanical work would prevent the creation of aesthetically pleasing work, but this work proves that such suspicions are mere illusions.

Limited to 3500 copies.


Title: Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Color
Artist: Sol LeWitt
Primary Information / Printed Matter, 2019
Softcover, 200 x 200 mm
36 pages
First edition of 3500 copies
ISBN: 9781732098664
¥2,700 + tax


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