(Signed) Venice by Giacomo Brunelli
(Special Edition with Print B) Venice by Giacomo Brunelli
Venice Unclocked by Rachel Spence & Giacomo Cosua
日本の掲示板/Noticeboards of Japan by Olivier Mignon & Nik van der Giesen
Holy Night by 須田一政
(With Print) Even a maniac can learn to drive by Cole Flynn Quirke
Up to now, Issue N.04 by Luca Strano
EIN-HEIT (U-NI-TY) by Michael Schmidt
Matter by Aleix Plademunt
Landscapes for the Homeless by Anthony Hernandez
劇場 by 森山大道
(復刻版) Daido hysteric no.4 by 森山大道
サン・ルゥへの手紙 by 森山大道
仲治への旅 by 森山大道
来たるべき言葉のために by 中平卓馬
Then things went quiet
Edited Photographs by Nigel Shafran
How We are: Photographing Britain from the 1840s to the Present
Flowers for ______ by Nigel Shafran
(Signed) Compost Pictures 2008 – 2009 by Nigel Shafran
Not in Fashion: Photography and Fashion in the 90s
(Signed) Teenage Precinct Shoppers
Omne. Osservatorio Mobile Nord Est. Work. 2016-2018
(Poster) Packages 2012-2013 by Nigel Shafran
(First Edition) Die Son Sien Alles by Viviane Sassen
Zweimal Belichtet by Aglaia Konrad
Migrations, Givors by Alexandre Guirkinger
Migrations, Cherbourg by Alexandre Guirkinger
(ケース付き) 来たるべき言葉のために by 中平卓馬
光と影 by 森山大道
中平卓馬: 原点復帰 — 横浜
(新装版) 来たるべき言葉のために by 中平卓馬
Café Bissau by Julião Sarmento
HIBERNATION by Sander van Wettum
Missing Buildings by Thom and Beth Atkinson
Album by Hideya Ishima
(Signed) Outside In by Stephen Gill
(Signed) COEXISTENCE In by Stephen Gill
Acoco by Simon Haenni
Kharkivsʹka shkola fotohrafiyi: hra proty aparatu
House of Clay by Erik Gustafsson
Everything is a museum
(First Edition) Girls Blue by Hiromix
Suzi et Cetera (Part 2) by Boris Mikhailov
Unfinished Dissertation by Boris Mikhailov
Am Boden / By the Ground + Die Dammerung / At Dusk by Boris Mikhailov