Japan Works by Aglaia Konrad
Kharkivsʹka shkola fotohrafiyi: hra proty aparatu
KOCHETOV by Victor and Sergey Kochetov
Landscape Manual by Yukihito Kono
Landscapes for the Homeless by Anthony Hernandez
Les Belles Images by Thomas Mailaender
Let's Sit Down Before We Go by Bertien van Manen
Matter by Aleix Plademunt
Mēdeia2.0: Terri Weifenbach
Migrations, Cherbourg by Alexandre Guirkinger
Migrations, Givors by Alexandre Guirkinger
Missing Buildings by Thom and Beth Atkinson
Mittelland by Michael Blaser
Moonshine by Bertien van Manen
Mount Nelson by Rosie Marks
NEAR by Martine Stig
New Landscapes (Untitled 24) by The Friends of Photography
Omne. Osservatorio Mobile Nord Est. Work. 2016-2018
One step before ending by Rei
ORDER by Óscar Monzón
Paintings: Jean-Philippe Delhomme
Paris In My Time by Mark Steinmetz
Paris Paris Paris by Corinne Vionnet
Polder Viii, Tuindorp Oostzaan, Amsterdam 1920 - 2020 by Raimond Wouda
Puglia. Tra Albe e Tramonti by Luigi Ghirri
Remembering Landscape
SCAPES by John Divola
Serie Von Vier (Series of Four) by Boris Mikhailov
Silent Blocks by Myr Muratet
Site/Cloud by Daisuke Yokota
Sleeping by the Mississippi by Alec Soth
Snapshotpolitics - De camera als instrument van de kunst
Södrakull Frösakull by Mikael Olsson
SOULÈVEMENTS by Noémie Goudal
Spectacular City - Photographing the Future
Spomenik by Jan Kempenaers
STATIONS by Noémie Goudal
Street Photographs by Shimpei Asai
Support Sheet by Stephan Keppel & Marc Nagtzaam
Suzi et Cetera (Part 2) by Boris Mikhailov
Talking Cities / The Micropolitics of Urban Space / Die Mikropolitik des urbanen Raums
Texture of Temperature by Suo
The Castle by Federico Clavarino
The Cliff by Yukihito Kono
The Country of the Rising Sun by Shinji Otani
The Earth Is Only A Little Dust Under Our Feet by Bego Antón
The Eye is a Lonely Hunter: Images of Humankind