Broken Music
Flattened in Time and Space by Angelo Vignali
Turistica by Carlo Rusca
(Signed) The Eyes That Fix You in a Formulated Phrase by Mariken Kramer
Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour by Sol LeWitt
From the Archives of Peter Merlin, Aviation Archaeologist by Trevor Paglen
In the Shadow of Forward Motion by David Wojnarowicz
(Imperfect) REALLIFE Magazine: Selected Writings and Projects 1979-1994
Fantastic Architecture
Removal Technician by Alex Hubbard and Dan Mains
FABRICA by Sabrina Vitali
Shit by Erik Kessels
(Imperfect) CATHÉDRALES by Laurence Aëgerter
(Imperfect) Cover to Cover by Michael Snow
Equivalences by Douglas Mandry
Erwin Wurm Photographs
(Imperfect) Cathedral Cars by Thomas Mailaender
Happiness Is The Only True Emotion by Clément Lambelet
(Imperfect) Women in Concrete Poetry: 1959-1979
Self Portrait As 47 Pickles by Erwin Wurm
Inventions 1915-1938 by Luce Lebart
Hotel Mermaid Club by Chris Rhodes
SOULÈVEMENTS by Noémie Goudal
A Bullet for Buñuel- Fragments of a Failed Bullet by Rick Myers
Bis Morgen Im Nassen by Lotte Reimann
Phénomènes by Marina Gadonneix
Ruches, 2400 A.E.C. - 1852 E.C. / Hives, 2400 B.C.E. - 1852 C.E. by Aladin Borioli (APIAN)
STATIONS by Noémie Goudal
Angle 28 by Eline Mugaas
Angle 27 by Laura Bielau
Now Will Not Be With Us Forever by Maurice van Es
Angle 26 by Hayahisa Tomiyasu
Angle 25 by Else Marie Hagen
EMPTY by Raul Valverde
KARMA by Óscar Monzón
3AM by AM Projects
A Parallel Road by Amani Willett
You I Everything Else by Linn Phyllis Seeger
Garçon de Café by Yves Drillet
You Can Call Me Nana by Will Harris
SOUKHOS by Raphaël Barontini
Devil’s Promenade by Antone Dolezal + Lara Shipley
HASSAN HAJJAJ by Hassan Hajjaj