(Signed) Ducks in a Row by Marte Aas
Eastern & Oriental Express by Stefanie Moshammer
Thinking like an Island by Gabriele Chiapparini + Camilla Marrese
I No Longer Love Blue Skies by Gaétan Uldry
Paris Paris Paris by Corinne Vionnet
Migrations, Cherbourg by Alexandre Guirkinger
Better Food For Our Fighting Men by Matthieu Nicol
Virtual Mass by Antoine Martin
Migrations, Givors by Alexandre Guirkinger
#INGRID by Zoé Aubry
Fastidiosa by Jean-Marc Caimi + Valentina Piccinni
Black Art Notes
Camino Road by Renée Green
Silent Blocks by Myr Muratet
(Signed) Kitchen Stories from the Balkans by Eugenia Maximova
METROPOLE by Lewis Bush
The New Woman's Survival Catalog by Kirsten Grimstad and Susan Rennie
Altered Ocean by Mandy Barker
Angle 14 by Susanne M. Winterling
Angle 18 by I. Book & C. Hedén
Angle 23 by Miki Kratsman & Shabtai Pinchevsky
Solastalgia by Marina Vitaglione
Picnos Tshombé by Gloria Oyarzabal
Angle 12 by Kristian Skylstad
Angle 22 by Hedevig Anker
The Longest Way Round by Chris Dorley-Brown
Angle 21 by Marius Engh
(Signed) Beyond Drifting: Digest Edition by Mandy Barker
(Signed) A Sudden Drop by Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson
(Signed) Tokyo Stories by Elodie Grethen
Angle 6 by Linus Valtersson
Angle 10 by Dag Nordbrenden
Lviv - God's Will by Viacheslav Poliakov
El Dorado by Melissa Arras
(Signed) Pferde & Autos by Clara Bahlsen
The Saxons of Transylvania by Pascual Martínez + Vincent Sáez
Charlie Surfs On Lotus Flowers by Simone Sapienza
Whitewash by Harit Srikhao
In the Shadow of Forward Motion by David Wojnarowicz
Shit by Erik Kessels
EMPTY by Raul Valverde
A Parallel Road by Amani Willett
Garçon de Café by Yves Drillet